Action 13: Sequester Carbon and Mitigate Growing Climate Risks
Carbon sequestration projects offer a significant opportunity to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. This should include upland forest and underwater vegetation ("blue carbon") projects.
Outcome 29: onduct a baseline analysis of carbon storage on the landscape by 2024.
Outcome 30: Implement 10,000 acres of carbon sequestration projects in the Snohomish Watershed by 2026.
0-3 Year Actions
Action 13.1 Carbon Sequestration Inventory
Create a complete inventory of current landscape-scale carbon sequestration opportunities, including but not limited to blue carbon, soils, urban trees and state and privately owned forests. Update existing forest carbon data. Work with partners to use this information to assess the carbon benefits of land management decisions and carbon sequestration projects.
Action 13.2 Resilient Fish Passage
Work with watershed and other partners to incorporate climate change projections in the design of culverts and fish passage barrier removal. Use this data to inform prioritization for streams to focus on over the long term in the context of warming waters. Ensure findings are incorporated in planning and implementation in WRIA 7.
4-10 Year Actions
Action 13.3 Urban Forestry Carbon Sequestration
Implement actions to increase forest cover in urban areas as described under Goal 3. Focus on developing opportunities related to urban carbon sequestration, to enhance the role of urban forestry as a natural climate solution. Contribute to outcome of 10,000 acres by 2026.
Action 13.4 Small Forest Landowner Carbon Sequestration
Implement actions to increase forest cover in forested lowlands and headwaters as described under Goal 2. This should include investigating opportunities to support carbon projects on small forest landowner lands. Contribute to outcome of 10,000 acres by 2026.
Action 13.5 Blue Carbon Sequestration
Implement blue carbon projects in the Snohomish Watershed, which will increase underwater vegetation, provide habitat and sequester carbon. Develop opportunities related to kelp, eelgrass and tidal forests. Contribute to outcome of 10,000 acres by 2026.