Wildland Fire Academies

Washington Interagency Wildland Fire Academies
DNR’s Wildland Fire Academy Program hosts interagency academy sessions to provide quality wildland fire training at no-cost to Washington's in-state interagency firefighting partners. The program offers a suite of operational wildland firefighting courses leading to qualifications at the Firefighter Type 2, Firefighter Type 1, and Single Resource Boss levels. The courses meet National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) standards.
The program’s multi-faceted approach to course delivery includes:

- Multi-course, in-person academy sessions in May and June
- Standalone virtual, instructor-led training (VILT) and in-person course offerings from October through April
- Self-directed, online courses year-round
- Course delivery and coordination to support partner programs
If you are affiliated with Washington state's local, state, federal or tribal firefighting agencies who participate in wildland fire suppression, you are eligible to register for an academy. You must also meet the qualification and prerequisite requirements specific to each course.
Firefighter Jobs and Providing Equipment/Services
If you are not affiliated with a fire agency in Washington, and have an interest in seasonal firefighter positions, visit our Firefighter Jobs page.
If you are interested in providing professional resources (like heavy equipment, fallers and water tenders), want to establish an agreement with DNR, and need to obtain annual operator safety training, visit our Provide Equipment and Services page.
Funding for Wildland Firefighter Training for Washington State Tribes
2023 -2025 Tribal Wildland Firefighter Training (TWFT) Initiative
The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) received funding from the legislature to improve access to wildland fire training courses during the 2024 – 2025 fiscal year, increasing opportunities for enrolled members of Washington state tribes to gain training and qualifications necessary to work as wildland firefighters. Through the initiative, costs associated with training such as per diem, travel, course fees, etc. for tribal members will be provided. Funding in the way of scholarships will be provided to tribal members or tribal nation employees that participate in the trainings noted in the link below.
In addition, DNR will partner with the Washington State University Extension Service (WSU Extension) to deliver training and workshops introducing tribal members and tribal nation employees to fire suppression and prescribed fire as important aspects of fire management on landscapes. Half of the funding will be allocated to this effort. Specific information regarding these sessions with WSU Extension will be announced by WSU and shared with all tribes within the state of Washington. Scholarship for attendance is $1,500 each per session.
Access to any currently available NWCG approved wildland firefighter training can be provided through the initiative (see NWCG PMS310-1). Basic firefighter qualification (Wildland Firefighter 2) can be achieved by completing the required courses, field day, and work capacity test. This initiates the issuance of a Red Card, qualifying the holder as a wildland firefighter. Advanced qualifications require additional course work as well as demonstration of knowledge and skills proficiency through training assignments documented with the position Task Book.
More information is available in this Tribal Wildland Firefighter Training (TWFT) Initiative document.
For enrolment details please contact Angie Lane angie.lane@dnr.wa.gov.
Registration Information

Register for an academy or find out what courses are offered. If you are affiliated with Washington state's local, state, federal, or tribal firefighting agencies participating in wildland fire suppression, you can register for an academy.
The Academy Program offers courses during the fall/winter/spring training cycle, with specific session registration windows opening on a rolling basis. The schedule is updated as new offerings are added. Each session registration will open approximately five weeks before the session starts and will close approximately two weeks before the session starts; the registration open and close dates for each course are posted in the course offerings schedule.
If you have specific questions about any of the academy sessions, contact Lois Anderson, Wildland Fire Academy Coordinator, at lois.anderson@dnr.wa.gov.