Media Contacts

Michael Kelly
Communications Director 
Cell: 360-878-4217
Joe Smillie
Deputy Director of  External Communications and Geology
Cell: 360-688-3392
Nikki McCoy
Deputy Director of Internal Communications
Courtney James
Communications Manager – Recreation, Volunteerism, Puget Sound Corps, Aquatic Reserves, Natural Areas, Natural Heritage and Discover Pass
Cell: 360-522-2534
Faith Hardersen
Sr. Social Media Manager
Sophia Treadwell
Communications Intern
Thomas Kyle-Milward 
Communications Manager – Wildfire
Cell: 360-529-7184
Media may also contact our region offices or monitor our fire Twitter account for wildfire information.
Will Rubin
Communications Manager – Forest Resilience, Forest Health, Federal Lands Program, Forest Practices, Small Forest Landowners and Landowner Assistance
Cell: 360-764-0854
Zoe Love
Communications Manager - Wildfire, Aquatics, Web services and Legislative support
Cell: 360-790-1886

Eastern Washington

Jessa Lewis
Communications Manager – Eastern Washington, Wildfire Ready Neighbors and Post Fire Recovery
Cell: 509-380-6627
Ryan Rodruck
Communications Manager – Eastern Washington, Wildfire, State Uplands, Forest Resources, Product Sales and Leasing and DNR Police/Law Enforcement
Cell: 360-584-3916
Media may also contact our region offices or monitor our fire Twitter account for wildfire information.

Internal Communications

Aryonna Willoughby
Internal Communications
Tracey Izatt
Communications Manager - Environmental Justice

Design and Web Services 

Mike McIvor
Graphic Design, Visual Communications
Dena Scroggie
Agency Webmaster, Web Accessibility 

Media resources

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View a list of our news releases.
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Sign up for a relevant e-newsletter covering geology, recreation, urban forestry, farming, forestry practices, special projects, or general interest news.
Want to submit a public disclosure request?
You can do so online.
Natural Resource Building (NRB)
Office of the Commissioner of Public Lands
MS 47001
Olympia, WA 98504-7001

Social Media Comment Policy

Comments made will in no way constitute a legal or official notice or comment to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources and Commissioner of Public Lands.
For example, a post or comment that asks the Washington State Department of Natural Resources and Commissioner of Public Lands to provide public records will not be considered a public records request. 
Comments should be on-topic. The views expressed in comments reflect those of the author. You are responsible for the content of your comments. We allow comments reflecting any point of view that are on-topic, but we expect comments to be civil. We reserve the discretion to delete comments and ban users that are off-topic repeatedly or contain any of the following:
  • Personal information including, but not limited to, email addresses, telephone numbers, mailing addresses, or personal identification numbers.
  • Personal attacks or defamatory statements, including derogatory epithets directed at another individual or group of individuals.
  • Violent, obscene, profane or threatening language.
  • Advertisements or solicitations of any kind.
  • Repetitive posts, including those that are copied and pasted.
  • Comments that promote or oppose any person campaigning for election to a political office or promote or oppose any ballot proposition.