Using our Mobile Maps

hand holding phone with map on screenDNR has many geo-locator maps that work on mobile devices. Use the Avenza PDF Maps app to find your location as you enjoy 1,200 miles of trail on DNR-managed landscapes. Even without cell service, the maps will continue to work using your phone’s GPS chip. To be safe, also have a backup printed map.


  • Download the free Avenza Maps app to your smartphone or tablet.
  • Open the app on your device. Click on the icon in the lower left-hand corner of your screen called ‘Maps.’ You will see a ‘+’ sign in the upper right of your screen.
  • After you click on the ‘+’ sign, it will ask you where you want to grab the PDF file from. Choose the mobile map you would like to download from the list below and copy the link's web address. Paste the web address into the box titled “From the Web."
The map(s) will be copied into the app. This may take a moment depending on connection speed. To keep from draining mobile data plans, download the map(s) on a Wi-Fi connection. After the map is copied into the app, it will load when the ‘Maps’ icon is clicked. With GPS capabilities activated on the device, the app will automatically zoom to your location in the applicable map.
Note: If you upload more than three PDF maps to the Avenza Maps app, it will ask that you upgrade to an in-app subscription for a monetary charge. To continue using the free app, you can keep the maps downloaded in your phone's memory and simply load the files (not to exceed three) to the Avenza Maps app when you need them.

Mobile maps

Ahtanum Green Dot Map: 
Blanchard Forest: 
Bradley Trail System: 
Buck Creek Trail System:
Capitol State Forest:
Cattle Point:
Cypress Island:
East Tiger Mountain:  
Elbe Hills State Forest:
Elbe Hills and Tahoma State Forest:
Fall Creek Trail System: 
Granite Creek Trailhead: 
Greider and Boulder Lakes:
Green Mountain State Forest:
Hagen Creek Trail System:
Jones Creek Trail System:
Little Pend Oreille Trail System:
LT Murray:
Mailbox Peak:
Middle Fork Snoqualmie Dirty Harry's Peak Trail:
Mima Falls:  
Mount Si NRCA Trail System:
Naneum/ Colockum Green Dot Map:
North Mountain Bike Trail System:
North Mountain Bike Skills Area Map: 
North Slope Trail System:
Oak Creek Green Dot Map:
Oxbow Loop Trail Map:
Raging River:
Sadie Creek Trail System:
Walker Valley ORV Area:
Wenas Wildlife Area:
Whiskey Dick/ Quilomene Green Dot Map:
Yacolt Burn non-motorized trails:
Yacolt Burn motorized trails:
Printed versions of several of our maps are available for $9 online or in person, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., from the Washington State Department of Printing, 7580 New Market Street St. SW, Tumwater, WA 98501. Otherwise, visit our website for trail maps you can download and print.