Selecting a Parcel for Transfer

Anyone can nominate a parcel of state trust lands for the Trust Land Transfer (TLT) program, provided that a receiving agency has agreed to accept the proposed parcel and manage it indefinitely. Refer to Selecting a Receiving Agency for more information.
Choosing the Right Parcel
Which DNR-managed lands can be nominated for TLT?
Only state trust lands can be nominated for the TLT program. State trust lands are lands that are managed to generate revenue for specific trust beneficiaries, such as public schools and universities. DNR-managed aquatic lands and lands managed under DNR’s Natural Areas Program are not state trust lands and not eligible for TLT.
Lands within any trust can be nominated for the TLT program.
Does the parcel have to be forested?
No, the parcel can be forested or non-forested.
Are there any size limitations?
No, there is no minimum or maximum size for a parcel being transferred through this program. However, larger parcels require more funding, and the transfer of these parcels could have significant impacts on trust beneficiaries, tribes, and local communities, especially if the parcel includes State Forestlands.
For that reason, DNR requires a pre-nomination meeting for parcels that are 4,500 acres or larger, or have an estimated value of $15 million or more. DNR also strongly recommends a pre-nomination meeting for any parcel, regardless of total size or value, that includes 1,000 acres or more of State Forestlands. In both cases:
- The pre-nomination meeting must include the applicant, DNR, and the public agency or federally recognized tribe who will receive and manage the parcel.
- The pre-nomination meeting must occur at least one month before the application period opens.
Contact DNR to make arrangements. Names and phone numbers of DNR staff are listed under Contacts.
What makes a parcel a good fit for TLT?
The TLT program is for parcels that are both economically underperforming, and have high ecological values and public benefits.
Economic underperformance means that the parcel has limited potential to generate income in the reasonably foreseeable future due to physical, legal, access, or other constraints (Substitute House Bill 1460, Section 2.2). As an applicant, you do not need to determine whether a parcel is economically underperforming; DNR will make this determination as part of its best interests of the trusts analysis. However, DNR recommends you avoid nominating parcels that are obviously generating revenue, such as parcels being cultivated for irrigated crops.
- Ecological values are the water, minerals, biota, and other factors that make up natural ecosystems and support native life forms. Examples of high ecological values include habitat for sensitive, threatened, and endangered species, and forests that meet the definition of old growth in DNR's Policy for Sustainable Forests.
- Public benefits have a positive effect on the general public or one or more groups of people. Examples include opportunities for recreation, environmental education, or scientific study.
When considering a parcel, DNR recommends you review the following:
- How DNR determines if a transfer is in the best interests of the trust beneficiaries.
- The prioritization criteria that are used to score and rank the parcels into a prioritized list.
Where can I find maps of state trust lands?
Maps of state trust lands are available for download or purchase at this link. A wealth of information about state trust lands is available through DNR’s GIS portal.