AAMT Publications and Presentations

DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team (2024). Clayton Beach Eelgrass and Dredge Hole Investigation: A Nearshore Habitat Survey for the Northwest Straits Foundation. Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA.
DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team (2024). From Planting to Harvest: Sediment Dynamics at Leased Geoduck Pilot Sites in South Puget Sound. Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA.
Hull, W.W. & Anderson, K. (2024). Smith Cove 2021-2023 Monitoring Report. Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team. Washinton State Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA.
Pruitt, C.  (2023). Technical Report: Mapping Puget Sound’s Artificial Reefs. Olympia, WA: DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team.
Pruitt, C.  (2023). Technical Report Supplemental Material: Mapping Puget Sound’s Artificial Reefs. Olympia, WA: DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team.
Pruitt, C. (2022). Assessing the Use of the California Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus californicus) Within Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (IMTA). Western Washington University, Master Thesis, 88pps.
Donoghue, C. (2019).  Mechanical management of burrowing shrimp on WA Coast, 26th Conference for Shellfish Growers, Washington Sea Grant, Alderbrook Resort and Spa, March 11-12, 2019.
Gross, C., Donoghue, C., Pruitt, C., Trimble, A. C., and Ruesink, J. L. (2019).  Nekton community responses to seagrass differ with shoreline slope, Estuaries and Coasts, published online, doi:10.1007/s12237-019-00556-8.
Gross, C., Ruesink, J. L., Pruitt, C., Trimble, A. C., Donoghue, C. (2019).  Temporal variation in intertidal habitat use by nekton at seasonal and diel scales Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 516, 25-34 doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2019.04.009.
Horwith, M. J. (2019).  State of ANeMoNe Report.
Liljegren, J.L. (2019).  Suction dredge mining impacts on Pacific lamprey populations and habitat in Washington State:  A case study of the Entiat River, Central Washington University, Master Thesis 176 pps.
Olmstead, J. (2019). Environmental DNA (eDNA) Sediment Sampling: A Method for Detecting Larval Lampreys in Riverine Habitat, The Evergreen State College, Master Thesis 241 pps.
Ruesink, J. L., Gross, C., Pruitt, C., Trimble, A. C., Donoghue, C. (2019).  Habitat structure influences the seasonality of nekton in seagrass, Marine Biology, 166(75), 1-14, doi:10.1007/s00227-019-3519-z.
Spencer L.H., Horwith M.J., Timmins-Schiffman E., and Roberts S.B. (2019).  Pacific geoduck (Panopea gererosa) resilience to natural pH variation, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D:  Genomics and Proteomics.
Venkataraman Y.R., Timmins-Schiffman E., Horwith M.J., Lowe A.T., Nunn B., Vadopalas B., Spencer L.H., and Roberts S.B. (2019).  Characterization of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigasproteomic proteomic response to natural environmental differences, Marine Ecology Progress Series.
DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team (2018). Technical Report: Proof of Concept (POC): Willapa Bay Mechanical Management of Burrowing Shrimp. Olympia, WA
DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team (2018). Technical Report Supplement: Willapa Bay Mechanical Management of Burrowing Shrimp. Olympia, WA: DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team. Olympia, WA.
Donoghue, C., Gabriel A., & Cordner, D. (2018).  Dynamics of seagrass (Zostera spp.) edges and landscape characteristics in Washington State.  Poster Presentation, South Sound Science Symposium, October 16, 2018, Squaxin Island Tribe's Events Center, Shelton, WA.
Gabriel, A., & Donoghue, C. (2018).  PAR and light extinction beneath various dock deck types, Pleasant Harbor Marina, WA.  Poster Presentation, South Sound Science Symposium, October 16, 2018, Squaxin Island Tribe's Events Center, Shelton, WA.
Greiner C.M., Klinger T., Ruesink J.L., Barber J.S., and Horwith M.J. (2018).  Habitat effects of macrophytes and shell on carbonate chemistry and juvenile clam recruitment, survival, and growth, Journal of Experimental Marine Bilogy and Ecology.
Lowe A.T., Kobelt J., Horwith M.J., and Ruesink J.L. (2018).  Ability of eelgrass to alter oyster growth and physiology is spatially limited and offset by increasing predation risk, Estuaries and Coasts.
Szypulski, E. J. (2018). Ecological effects of overwater structures on subtidal kelp, Northern Puget Sound, WA.  Central Washington University, Master Thesis 146 pps.
Borin, J.M., Moser, M.L., Hansen, A.G., Beauchamp, D.A., Corbett, S.C., Dumbault, B.R., Pruitt, C., Ruesink, J.L., and Donoghue, C. (2017).  Energetic requirements of green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) feeding on burrowing shrimp (Neotrypaea californiensis) in estuaries:  importance of temperature, reproductive investment, and residence time. Environmental Biology of Fishes.
Donoghue, C.  (2017). Comparison of light transmitted through different types of decking used in nearshore over-water structures.  Presentation prepared by WA: DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team.
Gross, C., Donoghue, C., Pruitt, C., Trimble, A. C., and Ruesink, J. L. (2017). Taxonomic and functional assessment of mesopredator diversity across an estuarine habitat mosaic.  Ecosphere 8(4):e01792.
Polston Barnes, J., Donoghue, C., and James, A.  (2017). Technical Report: Chemicals of Emerging Concern in the Nearshore: POCIS at Shellfish Resources Sites.  Olympia, WA: DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team.
Calambokidis, J.  (2016). Contract Report: Study of seasonal resident gray whales feeding strategy in N. Puget Sound, WA. in 2016. Olympia, WA: Cascadia Research.  Prepared for WA: DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team.
Gabriel, A.  (2016). Eelgrass Edge Dynamics.  Ellensburg, WA: Central Washington University.  Presentation prepared for WA: DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team.
Gabriel, A., Donoghue, C., Bodensteiner, L., Adolphson, S., Cordner, D., and Stilwater, L.  (2016). PAR and light extinction above eelgrass, at bed surface, and beneath decks in Puget Sound, WA.  Poster presentation prepared for Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) 2015.  Portland, Oregon.
Pruitt, C. (2016).  Intertidal ghost shrimp in Puget Sound:  enough for gray whales and a sustainable commercial harvest?  Whidbey Basin, North Puget Sound, Washington.  Olympia, WA:  DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team.  Presentation for the 23rd Conference for Shellfish Growers, March 2016.
Pruitt, C. and Donoghue, C.  (2016)  Technical Report:  Ghost shrimp: commercial harvest and gray whale feeding, North Puget Sound, WA.  Olympia, WA: DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team.
Borin, J., Ruesink, J., Donoghue, C., Hansen, A., Pruitt, C., and Beauchamp, D. (2015). Bioenergetics Approach to Estimating Green Sturgeon Consumption.  Olympia, WA:  DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team.  Poster presentation prepared for Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) Conference, 2015.  Portland, OR.
Calambokidis, J.  (2015). Field Report: Pilot Study on intertidal ghost shrimp feeding gray whale in N Puget Sound, WA.  Olympia, WA: Cascadia Research. Prepared for WA: DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team.
Donoghue, C.  (2015). Technical Report: Comparison of light transmitted through different types of decking used in the nearshore over-water structures.  Olympia, WA: DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team.
Gabriel, A. (2015). Eelgrass Cover and Tidal Inundation by Elevation.  Ellensburg, WA: Central Washington University.  Presentation prepared for WA: DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team.
Markos, P., Ryan, A., and Donoghue, C. (2015).  Monitoring eelgrass bed dynamics and lower edge movement:  applications for resource management in Washington State.  Poster presentation prepared for Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) 2015. Portland, Oregon.
Polston Barnes, J.  (2014). Identification of Freshwater Sites for Aquatic Reserves: Lake and Rivers of Washington State.  Olympia, WA: DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team.
Donoghue, C.  (2013). Outer coast estuary Zostera japonica 2013 mapping and monitoring.  Olympia, WA: DNR Aquatic Assessment and Monitoring Team.