Wildfire Prevention
Celebrate Wildfire Awareness Month this May. Learn what you can do to be prepared for wildfire. Read the official proclamation from Washington Gov. Jay Inslee.
Before lighting fire, please check for any local burn restrictions.
Take 90 seconds to watch this clip on campfires.
DNR works to prevent wildfires through education and the use of burn restrictions, Industrial Fire Precaution Levels and burn permits, which help people to modify their activities in accordance with the risk.
Using Equipment Safely

If your fire escapes, you will be responsible for paying for fire suppression personnel and equipment, as required by state law.
Campfires are allowed only when a campfire burn restriction is not in place
Campfires are permitted on DNR-managed lands only in approved fire pits
Ensure there is a shovel and buckets of water close by
Never walk away from a smoldering campfire.
Put the fire out cold before leaving - if it's too hot to touch, it's too hot to leave
Protect our forestlands by reporting illegal or unsupervised campfires to 911 or the DNR region office.
Tips For Home Landscaping In Dry Conditions

Work in the mornings or late evenings to avoid the hottest parts of the day, and postpone your work when the weather calls for low humidity or high wind
Keep a water hose or bucket or fire extinguisher on hand
Use a nylon or plastic weed whacker line instead of metal
Be careful not to set a hot tool down on dry grass or leaves
Allow power engines to cool before refueling, and make sure the hot exhaust is kept away from dry grasses, weeds, and shrubs - only use such equipment that’s in good repair and has spark arresters installed. when applicable
Stay home for an hour after finishing your work - this way you’ll be around to notice if anything begins to smolder and smoke
If conditions are right for outdoor burning, keep your debris piles small and have a hose ready should your fire escape
Additional prevention tips
Be sure recreation vehicles have operating spark arrestors
Do not park vehicles in dry, grassy areas as residual heat from exhaust systems can ignite the dry grass
Know the current wildfire risk in your county, destination, or area you may be working in
Note: It's always illegal to light fireworks or use incendiary ammunition or exploding targets on DNR-protected lands
Learn more from our friend Smokey Bear
Safety flyers and tips for preventing wildfires
DNR is required by state law to investigate and then prosecute those discovered to have caused a wildfire. Please do your part to ensure that person is never you.