Forest Certification

Forest management certification is a voluntary process that identifies and recognizes well-managed forest land. Certified forests are grown to an approved set of standards that demonstrate environmentally responsible, socially beneficial, and economically viable management practices that promote responsible forestry. The process considers the ecological, economic, and social parameters of forests and neighboring communities.
To achieve certification and maintain it, certificate holders such as DNR must successfully undergo annual audits conducted by external, accredited certifying bodies. This unique commitment to responsible forestry demonstrates DNR’s recognition of the critical role of land managers to ensure long-term forest health and sustainability.
In the United States, there are two recognized forest certification systems for public land: the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC® C012959) and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®).

DNR Commitment to Forest Management Certification

Commitment to SFI Certification

All DNR-managed forestlands and conservation areas in Washington State (2.4 million acres) are certified to the SFI 2022 Forest Management Standard. DNR is committed to maintaining SFI certification across all DNR-managed forestlands and conservation areas. This dedication is communicated throughout the organization, especially to our facility and woodland managers, field foresters, and scientific teams.
To improve the implementation of sustainable forestry, DNR requires appropriate training of personnel and contractors so that they are prepared to fulfill their responsibilities under the SFI 2022 Forest Management Standard.

Commitment to FSC Certification

About 176,000 acres of DNR-managed forestlands and conservation areas are dual certified to both the SFI and to the FSC US Forest Management Standard. These FSC-certified lands are located within DNR’s South Puget Habitat Conservation Plan Planning Unit (located in parts of King, Pierce, Thurston, Lewis, Kitsap, and Mason counties).  
DNR maintains a long-term commitment to adhere to the FSC Principles and Criteria and FSC and FSC-US policies, including the FSC-US Land Sales Policy. DNR is committed to managing the FSC-certified units in conformance with FSC standards and policies. DNR continues to work with FSC to generate more direct benefit to trust beneficiaries from FSC certification, which could justify future expansion of the program.

Purchasing Certified Wood

DNR works hard to ensure that products for business, home construction, or weekend projects are grown and harvested to protect core environmental and social values. From structural lumber to paper, consumers have a choice to purchase products that promote responsible management of the world's forests. Buyers can do their part by asking for FSC and SFI-certified products. To obtain a list of FSC- and SFI-certified timber sales, please visit our timber sales webpages.
To learn more about chain-of-custody and demonstrating that your timber is derived from a responsibly managed forest and/or to learn more about becoming a “program participant” in the FSC program, please visit
To learn more about chain-of-custody and demonstrating that your timber is derived from a responsibly managed forest and/or to learn more about becoming a “program participant” in the SFI program, please visit

Informational Material



FSC Forest Certification Audit Reports

SFI Forest Certification Audit Reports

​SFI Annual Survey Reports

Approximately 176,000 acres of DNR-managed forested state trust lands and natural areas within the South Puget Planning Unit are certified under the FSC® US Forest Management Standard.
DNR's FSC certificate number is:  
BV-FM / COC-080501
All DNR-managed forested state trust lands and natural areas across Washington State (approximately 2.4 million acres) are certified under the SFI® 2022 Standard.
DNR's SFI certificate number is:  