Burn Permits
Before lighting fire, please check for any local burn restrictions.
Scroll down for permit information on the new burn portal.
Rule Burn

Burning is allowed without a permit if you have a small burn pile and follow these rules. If any of these rules cannot be met, you will need a Burn Permit from DNR.
Permit Burn

For burn piles that do not meet the requirements of a Rule Burn, a Burn Permit is needed from DNR. DNR does not permit burning of debris from land clearing operations.
New Process with Burn Portal Tutorials
To apply for a burn permit, click on our webpage at https://burnportal.dnr.wa.gov. Tutorials are below. Please remember to access this webpage using a web browser other than Internet Explorer.
How to: Use DNR's Burn Portal (5.28 minutes)
How to: Set Up Your Burn Portal Profile (7.30 minutes)
How to: Complete Your Burn Portal Application (18.46 minutes)
Click here to play all three tutorials
You can view this 'How-To' guide for step-by-step instructions. You can also print a Landowner Guide for easy to follow instructions. If you prefer to continue using a paper version, here is the application. If you experience any issues, please call 360-902-2100 or email dnrburnportal@dnr.wa.gov.
Permit Fee is based on landowner calculated tonnage.
A landowner submitting multiple applications within one DNR region may elect to pay one fee based on the combined tonnage of all applications when:
the combined tonnage of all applications equals or exceeds 100 tons, and
the Long Form application is used for each permit request, and
applications are submitted and paid for as one packet.
**Additional applications submitted at a later date will require a new permit fee.
Use the Piled Fuels Biomass and Emissions Calculator to calculate piled forest debris tonnage.