Commissioner's Orders Read this pageResume the reading of the pagePause the reading of the pageRead ContentStop 2024 Orders 202420 Burn Ban Rescission 202418: Expansion of the Methow Rapids Natural Area Preserve 202417: Burn Ban 202411: Partnership Pledge with the State Specialized Forest Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" 202407: Affordable Housing 202404: Woodard Bay Expansion 202401: Dabob Bay Transfer 2023 Orders 202319: North Slope Trailhead 202318: Order of Designation and Delegation, Law Enforcement Officer 202304: Kennedy Creek Natural Resources Conservation Area Expansion 202303: Project Labor Agreements and Apprenticeship Utilization 202302: Multiple Use Recreation 2022 Orders 202212: Order of Designation and Delegation, Chief of DNR Police 202211: Commercial Finfish Net Pen Aquaculture 202202: Carbon Sequestration and Storage 202201: Withdrawal Order for Snohomish Watershed Kelp and Eelgrass Protection Zone 2020 Orders 202021: Burn Ban 202020: Burn Ban 202017: Burn Ban 202010: Closure of DNR Lands 202007: Deputy Commissioner Rescission 2019 Orders 201916: Oil and Gas Supervisor Delegation 201901: Internal Control Officer Delegation 2018 Orders 201835: Oil and Gas Delegation 201834: Oil and Gas Supervisor Delegation 201822: Agency Aviation Consumable Inventory Officer Delegation 201821: Agency Fire Cache Consumable Inventory Officer Delegation 201820: Agency Fleet Shop Consumable Officer Delegation 201817: Law Enforcement Officer Delegation 201816: Capital Asset Inventory Officer Delegation 2017 Orders 201742: Burn Ban 201740: Deputy Commissioner of Public Lands Appointment 201728: Law Enforcement Officer Designation and Delegation 201722: Deputy Commissioner of Public Lands Appointment 201719: Law Enforcement Officer Designation and Delegation 201718: Law Enforcement Officer Designation and Delegation 201717: Law Enforcement Officer Designation and Delegation 201716: Law Enforcement Officer Designation and Delegation 201715: Law Enforcement Officer Designation and Delegation 201714: Law Enforcement Officer Designation and Delegation 201713: Law Enforcement Officer Designation and Delegation 201712: Law Enforcement Officer Designation and Delegation 201711: Law Enforcement Officer Designation and Delegation 201710: Law Enforcement Officer Designation and Delegation 201709: Chief Law Enforcement Officer Designation and Delegation 201708: State Geologist Designation and Delegation 201707: Department Auditor Designation and Delegation 201706: Derelict Vessels Designation and Delegation 201705: Oil and Gas Supervisor Designation and Delegation 201704: Aquatic Resources Rental Dispute Appeals Officer (RDAO) Designation and Delegation 201703: Records Officer Designation and Delegation 201702: Tribal Liaison Designation and Delegation
Affordable Housing Carbon SB 5688 - HB 1789 Carbon Playbook Carbon Project Carbon Outreach Carbon ESHB 1109 Climate Resilience for Washington Climate-Smart Forestry Commissioner's Orders DNR's Strategic Plan Executive Team Watershed Resilience Action Plan