TFW Policy Committee
The Timber/Fish/Wildlife (TFW) Policy Committee was established by the Forest Practices Board. Its purpose is to develop solutions to issues that arise in the Forest Practices Program and to assist the Forest Practices Board by providing guidance to the Cooperative Monitoring, Evaluation & Research Committee (CMER) and make recommendations on adaptive management issues.
The purpose of the TFW Policy committee is to consider the findings of CMER research and monitoring and to make recommendations to the Board related to forest practices rules, Board Manual sections, and/or other guidance. TFW Policy brings together diverse interests to consider the findings of CMER research and monitoring and to make recommendations to the board related to forest practices rules, board manual sections, and/or other guidance. TFW Policy also assists the Board by providing guidance to CMER, as needed, and makes recommendations on adaptive management issues. They review and make recommendations on the key questions, resource objectives, and performance targets, and CMER program budget priorities for their work plans that contain specific research projects to the Board.
In cooperation with CMER, TFW Policy reports to the Board the status of the CMER master project schedule prioritizing CMER research and monitoring projects and provides an update of the CMER master project schedule at least every four years. TFW Policy is a consensus- based policy forum to support the AMP. At the direction of the Board, TFW Policy develops proposed solutions to issues that arise in the Forest Practices Program. In cooperation with CMER, TFW Policy reports to the Board about the status of the CMER master project schedule, which prioritizes CMER research and monitoring projects. TFW Policy also updates the CMER master project schedule at least every four years. These issues may be raised by science reports on rule or program effectiveness or policy questions on implementation of forest practices. Solutions may include the preparation of rule recommendations that are forwarded to the Board.
Related Links
- Learn more about our projects on the AMP DASHBOARD.
Meetings of the TFW Policy Committee are open to anyone who wishes to attend. To receive notifications about meetings, please sign up for Gov-Delivery.
December 5, 2024