Action 11: Create Good Jobs and Support Equitable and Resilient Economies
Recovery projects and resilience activities create many benefits, in terms of natural resources and ecosystem function as well as creating and supporting jobs and contributing to local economies. Jobs and economic benefits can be direct, such as the work hours spent to plant trees, monitor eelgrass presence or repair a fish passage barrier. They can also be indirect or induced, supporting the resulting supply chains and goods and services in the broader industry. Additionally, investments in habitat and ecosystem projects that contribute to salmon recovery also support all those whose livelihoods, culture, traditions and spirituality depend on healthy and harvestable salmon populations.
Outcome 24: Support salmon-dependent economies through creating an average of 188 direct and indirect jobs per year until 2031.
Outcome 25: Avoid forest conversion by enrolling 90% of working forests in long-term protections and establishing a new program to retain and diversify small forest landowners by 2031.
0-3 Year Actions
Action 11.1 WatershedConnect
Develop a job creation metric for WatershedConnect’s mapping tool, project comparison tool and related communications. Use these tools to reach out to new funders.
Action 11.2 Economic IMpacts of Natural and Working Lands
Work with partners on an Economic Impacts of Natural and Working Lands report to better understand economic impacts of salmon recovery and forest health activities. Use lessons to communicate economic impacts of these project types, to support these activities and their contributions to climate resilience. Develop next steps including connecting to workforce provisions in HB 1168 implementation and training/apprenticeship opportunities.
Action 11.3 Natural REsources Workforce Needs
Conduct a needs assessments with natural resources employers to identify workforce needs in industries connected to salmon recovery and watershed resilience.
Action 11.4 Green Stormwater Infrastructure Jobs
Pilot local job-creating efforts related to green stormwater infrastructure, restoration or related activities. Engage in planning around equitable career pathways opportunities. Identify WRIA 7 pilot efforts.
Action 11.5 Capital Projects for Salmon Recovery
Work with partners to develop and prioritize a large suite ($50M+) of capital projects developed for salmon recovery, workforce development and job creation using WatershedConnect.
4-10 Year Actions
Action 11.6 Green Stormwater Infrastructure Jobs Strategy
Develop a regional green stormwater infrastructure and jobs strategy, building off existing stakeholder efforts in the area. Establish partnerships with entities on green stormwater infrastructure workforce training opportunities in Snohomish County.
Action 11.7 Capital Projects for Salmon Recovery II
Implement a large suite ($50M+) of capital projects developed for salmon recovery, workforce development and job creation using WatershedConnect.