Washougal Oaks Natural Area

Washougal Oaks Natural Area Preserve protects sensitive and one of a kind ecosystems, and is used only for research, guided tours, and educational outings.
This combined natural area preserve (NAP) and natural resources conservation area (NRCA) protects the largest remaining high quality Garry oak (Oregon white oak) woodland in western Washington, as well as rare plants, a stream corridor, and fish and wildlife habitat. The site is representative of the native oak woodlands that were once relatively common in the Puget Sound and Willamette Valley regions, but are now exceptionally rare. It protects a historic landscape where Lewis and Clark viewed vast meadows of blue camas stretching up to the oak covered hillsides as they came to the western opening of the Columbia Gorge. The NAP and NRCA combined include 318 acres.
Features Protected: Oregon white oak/oval-leaf viburnum-poison-oak plant community, Douglas fir-Oregon white oak/snowberry plant community, small-flowered trillium, tall bugbane, bolandra, and slender-billed white-breasted nuthatch.
Ecoregion: Puget Trough (Clark County)
Ecoregion: Puget Trough (Clark County)
Science, Research and Monitoring
Public and private universities, other research institutions and individual researchers may contact DNR to propose a research project at the site. If you are interested in pursuing research at Washougal Oaks Natural Area, please contact David Wilderman, natural areas ecologist, at david.wilderman@dnr.wa.gov.
Examples of research and monitoring projects
- Maertens, Thomas B. 2008. The growth-climate relationship of Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana). Master's thesis, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. 182pp.
Volunteer for Restoration
The Department of Natural Resources, along with a number of partner organizations, is actively restoring parts of the natural area to control invasive species, recover previously negatively affected areas, and enhance conditions for rare plants and wildlife. For more information, contact the DNR Pacific Cascade Region natural areas manager.
Environmental Education and Public Access
Currently no formal educational programs are available at Washougal Oaks Natural Area. The site is not ADA accessible and facilities are not available. For more information, contact the DNR Pacific Cascade Region natural areas manager.