Entiat Slopes Natural Area Preserve

Site features Thompson’s clover and longsepal globemallow.
This 1,920-acre site and its surrounding landscape are characterized by steep, rugged terrain and narrow canyons that terminate at the edge of the Columbia River. The preserve contains one of the largest known populations of Thompson's clover, a plant that is state-listed as “threatened,” and a population of longsepal globemallow, a state-listed “sensitive” plant. The preserve, which also contains grasslands and scattered ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir, is susceptible to—and has evolved with—frequent natural fires. The rare plants at this site are adapted to this fire regime. Thompson’s clover relies on fire to remove encroaching trees and reduce competition in its habitat, while fire and heat enhance seed germination for longsepal globemallow, resulting in dramatic increases on the preserve following the most recent wildfires in 1988 and 2014.
Features Protected: Thompson’s clover and longsepal globemallow
Ecoregion:  East Cascades (Chelan County)

Science, Research and Monitoring

Public and private universities, other research institutions and individual researchers may contact DNR to propose a research project at the site. If you are interested in pursuing research at Entiat Slopes NAP, please contact David Wilderman, natural areas ecologist, at david.wilderman@dnr.wa.gov
Examples of research and monitoring projects

Environmental Education and Public Access 

Currently no formal educational programs are available at Entiat Slopes NAP. The site is not ADA accessible and facilities are not available. For more information, contact the DNR Southeast Region natural areas manager.