TFW Cultural Resources Roundtable
The Timber/Fish/Wildlife (TFW) Cultural Resources Roundtable is chartered with the Forest Practices Board to provide insight on cultural resources issues affecting forest practices in Washington state, consensus-rule making recommendations, and annually report on behalf of the state Department of Natural Resources on implementation of the Cultural Resource Protection and Management Plan (WAC 222-08-160(1)).
Responsibilities and Tasks
The Roundtable facilitates the identification, protection, and management of cultural resources that are significant to the history and cultures of the people of Washington state. The Roundtable fosters cooperative protection and management of cultural resources as envisioned in the Cultural Resource Protection and Management Plan.
Provide guidance for implementing the Cultural Resource Protection and Management Plan.
Support opportunities for cultural resources education for all and training for field personnel to improve a common recognition and understanding of cultural resources issues in forest management.
Make recommendations to the Board for implementing chapter 76.09 RCW and Title 222 WAC by reviewing and making recommendations on forest practices rules, board manuals, and voluntary measures.
Improve the exchange of cultural resources information by recommending changes in administrative and field procedures to the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and DNR.
Participate in the Forest Practices Adaptive Management Program when deemed appropriate by the Board.
Seek funding to ensure that the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation is able to maintain and update its archaeological and historic sites GIS data system.
Distribute all committee meeting notes and agendas to interested stakeholders and tribes.
Contact with questions and comments.
Related Links
Group Process and Reporting
Currently, the Roundtable meets every month on the third Tuesday. All affected Indian tribes, forest landowners, and other TFW/Forests and Fish stakeholders are encouraged to participate. All interested persons are welcome to attend.
Meeting location (unless agenda states other location):
Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
6730 Martin Way E.
Olympia, WA 98516
Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
6730 Martin Way E.
Olympia, WA 98516
Tribes, landowners, agencies, and others who have expressed an interest in the Roundtable’s work but choose not to send a representative to the meetings are kept up-to-date via monthly agendas and meeting notes.
Roundtable decisions are made by consensus and the Roundtable operates according to the TFW/FFR ground rules.