Action 1: Protect and Restore Submerged Aquatic Lands and Nearshore Habitat
Aquatic lands support salmon throughout their life cycles and require both restoration and protection. In particular, it is critical that salmon be able to access aquatic lands in the estuary and nearshore regions in a more natural condition; forage fish such as Pacific sand lance and surf smelt spawn on beaches and are particularly sensitive to shoreline armoring (NWIFC 2020). Submerged aquatic lands support seagrasses such as eelgrass and kelp which are critical for salmon and forage fish, and which sequester carbon. It is critical for salmon to conserve and protect these lands in more natural conditions, which will retain vegetation and support the ability for erosional drift to occur.
Outcome 1: Protect 100% of priority nearshore habitat with a Kelp and Eelgrass Protection Zone by 2022.
Outcome 2: Increase kelp forest and eelgrass meadow coverage (net gain) by 2031: 967 acres baseline.
Outcome 2: Increase kelp forest and eelgrass meadow coverage (net gain) by 2031: 967 acres baseline.
0-3 Year Actions
Action 1.1 Hire a Watershed Steward for WRIA 7 to implement this Plan.
In the near-term, they will focus primarily on WRIA 7 plan update engagement including riparian restoration, small forest landowner outreach and developing projects with private sector, education and community organizations in the basin. (Note: This action will support all plan goals and outcomes but will only be listed once.)
Action 1.2 Kelp and Eelgrass Monitoring
Conduct regular Kelp and Eelgrass Monitoring and Reporting in partnership with Snohomish County, and share data with relevant partners and the public. This should occur regularly and prioritize areas showing declines.
Action 1.3 Kelp and Eelgrass Protection Zone
Create a Kelp and Eelgrass Protection Zone. Work with the Tulalip Tribes, Snohomish Marine Resources Committee and
others to determine priority geographic area.
others to determine priority geographic area.
Complete a statewide Kelp Forest and Eelgrass Meadow Health and Conservation Plan. Develop detailed conservation and restoration priority areas statewide including in WRIA 7.
Action 1.5 Increase Stewardship of Kelp and Eelgrass
Educate the public to reduce damage to kelp and eelgrass and increase stewardship of these resources. This should include actions such as implementing a voluntary no-anchor zone, and conducting research into kelp and eelgrass restoration opportunities.
Action 1.6 Upland Drivers of Sediment Study
Conduct a study evaluating upland drivers of sediment in the marine environment. Use study to identify actions to reduce turbidity from upland sources.
4-10 Year Actions
Action 1.7 Ecological Learning Lab
Establish an Ecological Learning Lab associated with the Kelp and Eelgrass Protection Zone. Work with partners to conduct innovative research into protection and restoration opportunities; this could include exploring aquaculture opportunities with multiple benefits such as sequestering carbon (blue carbon projects), or seagrass cultivation for human consumption and/or upland nutrient provision.
Action 1.8 KELP AND EELGRASS Monitioring Technology
Improve Kelp and Eelgrass Monitoring and Reporting Technology. Work in partnership with private sector partners to develop and enhance technology solutions including artificial intelligence to monitor vegetation.
Action 1.9 KELP AND EELGRASS Restoration Funding
Draw on Kelp Forest and Eelgrass Meadow Health and Conservation Plan to identify and implement highest priority restoration opportunities in WRIA 7. Actively pursue funding and permitting for these restoration projects to ensure net gain of kelp and eelgrass cover by 2031.