Middle Fork Snoqualmie Natural Resources Conservation Area

The Middle Fork Snoqualmie Natural Resources Conservation Area (NRCA) was established in 2011 with the transfer of 9,224 acres from DNR-managed state trust lands into conservation status. Today, the NRCA is 9,198 acres. The NRCA abuts Mount Si NRCA to create a large forested landscape from the North Bend to the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest— extending from 800 feet elevation at the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River to 5,000 feet. This conservation landscape protects wildlife habitat, scenic views, and the upper reaches of the river while also offering low-impact recreation on a variety of hiking trails.
Middle Fork Snoqualmie NRCA is located along the western edge of the Cascade Mountains and stretches from the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River on the north to the South Fork Snoqualmie River. It includes the Gifford Lakes and Granite Lakes drainages. The western shoreline of Thompson Lake also lies within the NRCA, with the remainder of the lake located in the national forest.
Natural Features: The NRCA consists of a mix of low- and mid-elevation forest, subalpine forest, subalpine shrubland and meadow, talus fields, and riparian vegetation along the major water courses and around the lakes. Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) dominate most low-elevation forest stands, with red alder (Alnus rubra) and big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) common along streams. Above approximately 3,000 feet and on more moist sites, forests become increasingly dominated by Pacific silver fir, mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana), and noble fir. Highest elevation stands are generally dominated by mountain hemlock.
The age of forest communities varies over the landscape, with stands ranging from 15 to more than 500 years old. The majority of the lower elevation forests are 70 to 80 years old, with more recently harvested and replanted patches that are 15 to 30 years old. The oldest forests, some more than 500 years old, are found at higher elevations.
Subalpine shrublands and meadows are found in a number of locations, particularly the Granite Lakes and Gifford Lakes basins. Scattered talus and rock outcroppings occur over much of the upper elevations on steep, west-facing slopes, around Mailbox Peak and Dirty Harry Peak, and just north of the Gifford Lakes.
Helping to meet the commitments of DNR’s trust lands Habitat Conservation Plan, nearly the entire area is considered Nesting Roosting Foraging habitat for the northern spotted owl. Older forest within the NRCA is also considered potential or suitable habitat for marbled murrelet, which have been detected within about 10 miles of the conservation area to the north, east, and south.
The Middle Fork Snoqualmie River runs along the northwestern boundary of the site and includes a number of associated wetlands, as well as gravel bar and main channel habitats. In addition, the NRCA contains a number of mountain streams, lakes, and wetlands including the Granite Lakes and Gifford Lakes systems. Both of these lake systems are located in glacially carved basins and include a pair of lakes, each 5 to 15 acres in size. The Granite Lakes system also includes a wetland near the head of the drainage that feeds into the uppermost lake. Several other forested, shrub-scrub and emergent wetlands are also found in the conservation area, some at low elevations near the river and others at higher elevations in association with the lake systems. The lakes and associated streams and wetlands within the NRCA are potential habitats for several rare amphibians, such as the Cascades frog, coastal tailed frog, and western toad. Steep, rocky slopes within the site are also potential habitats for the Larch Mountain salamander.
Features protected: Old-growth Douglas-fir forest, subalpine lands, mid-elevation lakes, and habitat for the marbled murrelet, northern spotted owl and native mountain goat.
Ecoregion: North Cascades (King County)
Ecoregion: North Cascades (King County)
Science, Research and Monitoring
Public and private universities, other research institutions or individual researchers may contact DNR to propose a research project at Middle Fork Snoqualmie NRCA. If you are interested in pursuing a research project, please contact David Wilderman, Natural Areas Program statewide ecologist, at david.wilderman@dnr.wa.gov.
Environmental Education and Public Access 
The Middle Fork Snoqualmie NRCA offers an excellent outdoor classroom and is convenient to many school communities in the Puget Sound region. A variety of trails in the NRCA provide opportunities to study the ecology of the NRCA, older forest ecosystems and stream systems. For more information, contact the DNR South Puget Sound Region natural areas manager.
- Dogs allowed on leash.
- Garbage service is not provided. Pack out what you pack in.
- Day use only.
Low-impact Recreation Sites
A Washington State Discover Pass is required for parking in this conservation area. This funding helps DNR manage these important natural areas across the state.
Recreation alert: The MF 200/Bessemer Road and access to C.C.C. trail is temporarily closed due to unsafe road crossings.
Trail map: Click here to view a trail map of recreation opportunities in the Middle Fork Snoqualmie Natural Resources Conservation Area.
Champion Beach
Champion Beach is a small day-use area with access to the Snoqualmie River. Explore Champion Beach via a short hiking trail from the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Road.
Directions: Traveling either east or west on Interstate 90, take Exit 34. Turn north onto 468th Avenue and follow it to the junction with SE Middle Fork Road (Forest Road 56). Turn right and continue on SE Middle Fork Road about 3.5 miles. Trailhead will be on your left.
Granite Creek Trailhead
The 10-Granite Creek Trail provides view of Granite Lakes and Thompson Lake. Hikers can extend their trip further to access the Mount Baker Snoqualmie National Forest and Alpine Lakes Wilderness.
Directions: Traveling either east or west on Interstate 90, take Exit 34. Turn north onto 468th Avenue and follow it to the junction with SE Middle Fork Road (Forest Road 56). Turn right and continue on SE Middle Fork Road about 4 miles. Turn right into the trailhead, which closes each day at dusk.
Granite Creek Connector
Granite Creek Connector is a 2.8-mile hiking option to extend our Granite Creek Trail hike.
Directions: Traveling either east or west on Interstate 90, take Exit 34. Turn north onto 468th Avenue and follow it to the junction with SE Middle Fork Road (Forest Road 56). Turn right and continue on SE Middle Fork Road about 2 miles. Look for a small vehicle pull-out on the right.
Mailbox Peak
This is a switchback trail that offers picturesque views of the Cascade Range and the surrounding Snoqualmie Valley.
Directions: Traveling either east or west on Interstate 90, take Exit 34. Turn north onto 468th Avenue and follow it to the junction with SE Middle Fork Road (Forest Road 56). Turn right and continue on SE Middle Fork Road about 2.5 miles.
Park adjacent to the road in the small roadside parking area or turn right onto a gated road and park in the parking lot, which is currently open Friday through Sunday and closes each of those days at dusk.
Mine Creek Day Use
Mine Creek Day Use features low-impact hiking trails, picnicking opportunities, and access to the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River.
Directions: Follow directions above to access SE Middle Fork Road. Drive straight past Mailbox Peak. Parking area for Mine Creek will be on your left.
Russian Butte
This is a small day-use are with access to the Snoqualmie River and views of Russian Butte. Popular for picnicking and kayaking.
Directions. Traveling either east or west on Interstate 90, take Exit 34. Turn north onto 468th Avenue and follow it to the junction with SE Middle Fork Road (Forest Road 56). Turn right and continue on SE Middle Fork Road. Parking pull-out will be on your right.
Volunteer and Stewardship Opportunities
If you are interested in volunteer and stewardship opportunities in the Middle Fork Snoqualmie NRCA, please contact the DNR South Puget Sound Region natural areas manager.