Permits and Regulations


Commercial Forest Management

  • Forest Practices Forms and Instructions
  • General information on forest regulation
    • DNR’s Forest Regulation program administers the rules that protect public safety, water quality, and fish and wildlife habitat on the 12 million acres of Washington’s state-owned and private forestlands, also known as Washington’s Forest Practices Rules. 
    • The rules, developed by the Forest Practices Board, protect public safety and public resources – including standards for logging, road construction, pesticide application, and other forestry-related activities – while maintaining a viable forest products industry in Washington.
    • Click here for more information about forest practices regulations.
  • Forest Practices Board
    • The Forest Practices Board, established in 1974, is an independent state agency chaired by Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz or her designee. The board adopts rules for forest practices, which are then enforced by DNR.
    • More on Forest Practices Rules.
  • DNR’s Small Forest Landowner Regulation Assistance Program can help landowners navigate Forest Practices Rules.