Charley Creek Natural Area Preserve

Color photo of Charley Creek Natural Area Preserve (NAP)
The 1,966-acre Charley Creek NAP is located about seven miles northeast of Enumclaw, in the City of Tacoma's watershed. The 120- to 155-year-old forests on the site are originated after one or more wildfires and have remained essentially undisturbed. Coniferous forest stands of Douglas-fir, western hemlock, western redcedar, Pacific silver fir, and Sitka spruce cover most of the site, which also includes areas of red alder forest and a 2-acre pond supporting wetland vegetation. For the northern spotted owl, the site provides dispersal habitat for hunting and potential nesting areas.
Features Protected: Western hemlock/sword fern forest community, Western hemlock/devils club/sword fern forest community, Douglas-fir-western hemlock/salal-Oregon grape forest community, Pacific silver fir/Alaska huckleberry forest community, and red alder. low elevation permanent pond
Ecoregion:  West Cascades (King County) 

Science, Research and Monitoring

Public and private universities, other research institutions and individual researchers may contact DNR to propose a research project at the site. If you are interested in pursuing research at Charley Creek NAP, please contact David Wilderman, natural areas ecologist, at

Environmental Education and Public Access

Currently no formal educational programs are available at Charley Creek NAP. The site is not ADA accessible and facilities are not available. For more information, contact the DNR South Puget Sound Region natural areas manager.